Quotes of Osho in English:
Osho ke vichar |
- Just those who are ready to
become nobodies are able to care for.
- No one is here to fulfill
your dream. Everyone is here to fulfill his own luck, his own veracity.
- If you desire to see the
truth, then hold no belief for or against.
- Do not choose. Believe life
as it is in its totality.
- When love and disgust are
both absent everything becomes obvious and undisguised.
- Life is stability between
rest and movement.
- Fools giggle at others.
Wisdom giggles at itself.
- Do not move the way fright
makes you move. Move the way care for makes you move. Move the way bliss
makes you move.
- There is no need of any
struggle with someone. You are manually, and as you are, you are rightly
good. Accept by hand.
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